Questions – How to add a Custom Form

Here is the answer to the question by cutieboo!

1. When you’re editing a post or page, next to the words “Upload/Insert”, there is 6 small icons shown. Click on the one shown in this picture:

2. Something will pop up! You get to edit the custom form by adding new fields, editing the fields, ect.

3. Editing the fields and adding more fields.

4. Field type?

5. When you’re done editing, click on “Add this form to my post.”

6. Here’s what yours might look like.

Oooh and if you want to check the forms that people submitted, click on “Feedbacks.” All the forms submitted will be showned.

Examples of my custom forms:

Contact Form
Become an Author Form

I hope that helped. If you have any problems, leave a comment below:)

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Questions – cutieboo

      Sorry cutieboo for the long reply, but here’s the answer to your question.

Well the answer to that question is simple:] 

1. Go to pages.  Choose the page you want to edit. Then on the RIGHT side, you will see “Page Attributes,” and under that, you will see the word “Parent” with the word “no parent” under it. Click on “no parent.”

2. A list of your pages will show. Choose the page you want the page you are editing right now to be under.
Example) I made my page “Become An Author” be under the “Contact” page.

3. Update your page.

4. Done:D Now when you move the mouse by the page “Contact,” you will see the page “Become An Author” under it.

I hope that helped. If you have any problems, leave a comment below:)

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